Eastern Region Gathering

In recent years in Canada, the term reconciliation has primarily been used to describe the need for racial reconciliation between indigenous people and settlers. As Christians, we don’t need to shy away from this. In fact, we should be leading the way on the work of reconciliation across our land, wherever and whenever we encounter conflicts.
This is because, according to the apostle Paul, “Everything is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:18, CSB). We believe the Ministry Of Reconciliation is for Everyone.
Come explore this with us more deeply as we pursue reconciliation with God, ourselves, each other, and the world around us, and celebrate the God whose reconciling love is strong enough to empower this kind of ministry!

Location: Holiday Inn Peterborough Waterfront
150 George St N, Peterborough, ON K9J 3G5
Dates: January 27-29, 2025
Event starts at 3pm on Monday, January 27
Ends with Celebration dinner at 8:30pm on Wednesday, January 29
Option to check out of hotel on Thursday, January 30, for those traveling far
Scroll down for more info!
Registration Fees
Conference registration opens October 28th
Early bird price $325 ends November 15
Regular price $355 from Nov 16-Dec 25
Late registration $385 after Dec 25
Registration closes on Friday, January 17, 2025
Airport Shuttle: $40
Accommodations are separate
Check the Accommodations page for more details
If you have any questions about the event or registration, please email Ivy at ivy.friesen@yfc.ca.
Many YFC staff have deputation accounts tighter than a belt after thanksgiving. We know that raising support can be challenging sometimes, so we’d like to help. For anyone who feels they are financially struggling and would still like to attend Eastern Regionals, you can request a $100 subsidy. To apply for this, talk to your Executive Director and have your chapter send an email to Ivy Friesen at ivy.friesen@yfc.ca. There are 5 $100 subsidies available.
Registration Options
There are now 3 new registration options for the YFC Eastern Regional Gathering. First, you can register for just one day. This provides all meals, sessions and workshops for one day you can select. Second, you now have the option to register for just meals for the whole ERG. This is good if you’d like to bring your spouse, a child or a friend. Third, you can register a guest for our celebration dinner on Wednesday at 5:30pm. This is special if you are a staff being credentialled or if you are celebrating a milestone (10year, 20 years) and would like to have family attend.
Airport Transportation
For those needing rides from the airport, please choose the option for transportation on the registration form and enter your flight information. A $40 fee for transportation will be added to your registration.
For those curious about where to park if they are not staying overnight, the hotel has assured us that all ERG participants can park at the hotel. The walk from the hotel to the Venue for plenary sessions is 6min (500m). There is no parking at the Venue.
Everyone loves cool YFC and YU merch and often you can see staff from other chapters with something you’d like to get. At ERG 2025 we will have a merch swap table. This means you can bring your chapters merchandise and sell it or swap it. So if your chapter has YFC/YU merch that you think others would like, bring it and you can share your cool drip with others. If you’d like to participate in the Merch Swap – please email Jenn to inquire and reserve a spot at the table jennifer@youthunlimitedkaw.com.
Note: Quinte & Kawartha are not responsible for any exchange of good or payments.
Special Celebration Event
We will have a special dinner Wednesday night at The Venue to celebrate our new YFC credentialled staff and awards for those service milestones. You are welcome to have family and friends attend the celebration dinner, but you must RSVP their seat by December 20 2024. For those receiving awards, a digital invitation will be available for you to send to your family and friends.