Personal Retreats

We had such meaningful times gathering for the 1/2 day virtual guided retreats this summer, so we’ve decided to add more dates in the months ahead. Join us in carving out some time to slow down so we can hear the One Voice that really matters. These retreats work well as part of a prayer day, or maybe as a lead in to an overnight spiritual retreat at your local retreat centre. Whatever way you choose to engage it, we trust that God will provide the rest, growth and direction that you need in this next season!
P.S. Having trouble with the practice or idea of rest or Sabbath? Here’s a great little read by Old Testament scholar, Walter Brueggemann, called Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now that might stir your thoughts and imagination as you consider it!
Contact with questions or further conversation.
Dates for the Guided Retreats:
12:30-3:30pm Eastern Time
9:00am-12:00pm Eastern Time
New Zoom Link
YFC Canada Retreats is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: YFC Canada Retreats’ Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Personal Retreat Resources
Have a prayer day coming up? Interested in taking some personal spiritual retreat time, but not sure how to be intentional with it?
We’ve got a few resources to help each of us pay attention to our life with God in this unique season. We invite you to schedule some time (3-6 hours would be a great start!) “alone” with the Lord to rest, reflect, seek and let God meet the hungers of your soul in this significant time in history.
You can do these resources in one or multiple time blocks; the reflections form around multiple themes/questions and are easy to break up into smaller chunks.
– They can be done alone or in [2-metre or virtual] tandem with someone else, incorporating a rhythm of solo & pair-sharing-praying time.
– They can be done inside or outside, morning, midday or late day… whenever it is easiest for you to connect with Jesus
– You’ll just need your Bible and a journal. Always best in paper format for spiritual retreats to remove digital distractions.
We’ve included easy-to-follow instructions from the 24/7 prayer movement for praying the Examen and practicing Lectio Divina. We encourage you to give each of these forms of prayer a try if you haven’t already done so. They can be incorporated into a personal retreat day or practiced on their own when your schedule doesn’t allow for more time, perhaps during a midday break or as you end your day.
Thanks for visiting, and blessings to you on your journey.
Additional Resources